Friday, April 23, 2010

iPod Touch on Lucid

Plenty of folks have reported so far that their iPod Touches work with Lucid. Well, my brother has one he got for Christmas, and he says it's not working for him. He came up with a (very plausible) hypothesis though. Maybe it has to be used with Windows or OSX once (as some sort of activation mechanism?) before it'll talk to a Linux machine.

So, I'm asking: have any of you have an iPod Touch and used it on Ubuntu 10.04 without first using it on a proprietary OS and had it work?

EDIT: That was quick! Matthew Garrett says that one sync with iTunes is needed before it can be used with Linux.

EDIT2: Paul Sladen adds: I don't think we can generate the initial databases first time

Friday, April 9, 2010

Enabling Networking and Samba sharing in Fedora 11-12

Hi again..
By default networking remain disabled in Fedora 11/12 ( LAN card status down ). Even there  IP Address is properly configured . So here is the procedure.
First of all assign  IP address and DNS properly.


now select Network Configration
and assign IP address.

Now edit your   ifcfg-eth0 file

[root@satish~]# vim /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0

and set ONBOOT=yes   in this file as shown below:

Now save this file by pressing :wq!

Now restart network daemon by following command:


Now  open your firewall ( iptable ) for 
Samba ,Samba client and other required services and add eth0 into your trusted interface:

now restart your firewall service by 


in this way you can enable networking in your machine and can add linux machine into your Network.

                                                                              .............Satish Malanch