Sunday, March 27, 2011

Facebook keyboard shortcuts

Before using Facebook keyboard shortcuts, determine the modifier keys for your computer, which is based off what browser and operating system you are using.
Win & ChromeWin & FirefoxWin & IEOSX & FirefoxOSX & Other
AltAlt + ShiftAltFunction + CtrlOption + Ctrl

Top 10 keyboard shortcuts everyone should know

Using keyboard shortcuts can greatly increase your productivity, reduce repetitive strain, and help keep you focused. For example, highlighting text with the keyboard and pressing Ctrl + C is much faster than taking your hand from the keyboard, highlighting the text using the mouse, clicking copy from the file menu, and then putting your hand back in place on the keyboard. Below are our top 10 keyboard shortcuts we recommend everyone memorize and use.
Ctrl + C or Ctrl + Insert
Copy the highlighted text or selected item.
Ctrl + V or Shift + Insert
Paste the text or object that's in the clipboard.

MS-DOS vs. Linux / Unix

MS-DOSLinux / Unix
deltreerm -R
move / renamemv
typeless <file>
more < filemore file

Linux / Unix Commands

Saturday, March 26, 2011

How to Install Tuxonice in Ubuntu

“TuxOnIce is most easily described as the Linux equivalent of Windows’ hibernate functionality, but better. It saves the contents of memory to disk and powers down. When the computer is started up again, it reloads the contents and the user can continue from where they left off. No documents need to be reloaded or applications reopened and the process is much faster than a normal shutdown and start up.” -

Thursday, March 24, 2011

GParted Live partition editor updated

GParted Logo The GParted developers have released version 0.8.0-5 of GParted Live, a small bootable Linux distribution that contains the GParted utility. GParted, an acronym for Gnome PARTition EDitor, is a partition editor application that can be used to create, organise and delete disk partitions via a graphical user interface (GUI). Supported file systems include Btrfs, ext2, ext3, ext4, FAT16 and FAT32, HFS and HFS+, NTFS and others.

change the facebook login page (chrome extension)

Lest Do It !!
https: / / / extensions / detail / bdlfdaajmclngiomogmleihllaejcnni
to change the background ==>>> paste chrome: / / extensions / | in the address bar your chrome search for "up Refresh" extension and click "Options" link. paste the image link u want..: D Cek Your Facebook Login Page!!
By : Yur4kh4

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Firefox 4 Downloaded Over 7 Million Times And Counting

Mozilla team has released the latest version of its flagship product - Firefox 4.

Firefox 4 has been downloaded over 7 million times since its official release. This new avatar of the popular web browser from Mozilla stables makes extensive use of HTML 5 to render web pages. It also uses hardware acceleration when displaying HTML 5 pages - drawing on the power of a computer's graphics processor to improve the speed of complex visuals.
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Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Switching To Linux - Tale Of A Former Mac User Who Is Also A Musician

Official Ubuntu Book, The (5th Edition)Switching to Linux is easy for most of us. You just have to download and burn a Linux distribution and boot your computer with it. If the Linux distribution you have chosen is a modern one, then you can finish installing it on your machine in 6 steps or less.

However, if you rely on your computer for a living, then you need to do some preparations prior to making the switch. Kim Cascone, an experienced and gifted musician and composer had been using an Apple PowerBook to compose music. When his PowerBook G4 exhibited signs of age, he did a quick fact check and found that he could save as much as $3000 (which includes the machine and the software costs) if he switched to Linux.
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Sunday, March 13, 2011

Book - Configuring IPCop Firewalls

IPCop is a powerful, open source, Linux based firewall distribution for primarily Small Office Or Home (SOHO) networks, although it can be used in larger networks. It provides most of the features that you would expect a modern firewall to have, and what is most important is that it sets this all up for you in a highly automated and simplified way.

This book is an easy introduction to this popular application.
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Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Jolicloud Renames Itself 'Joli OS'

Jolicloud is an internet based operating system similar to Google Chrome OS. The company (by the same name) also markets a laptop (Netbook) called Jolibook which runs Jolicloud OS.

Jolicloud Web App

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Sunday, March 6, 2011

GNOME 3 Won't Have Minimize And Maximize Buttons

GNOME 3 is doing away with minimize and Maximize buttons for applications in its user interface. The basic premise being they don't make sense within the current shell design.

Of course, that doesn't mean you can't minimize or maximize your applications' window in GNOME 3.
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Friday, March 4, 2011

MeeGo - A Compendium Of Facts

This is a concise guide that provides some details about a possible Android and IOS contender - MeeGo. Notwithstanding the recent setbacks it faced in relation to Nokia, MeeGo project is moving forward at a steady pace. And it might just be possible that we could,in the near future, start seeing increasing number of devices (not just cell phones) powered by MeeGo.

MeeGo is an open source operating system project for mobile devices, hosted by the Linux Foundation - a non-profit consortium dedicated to fostering the growth of Linux.
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Thursday, February 17, 2011

5 Linux Tutorials For Beginners

Here are 5 useful Linux tutorials for beginners / resources which will help newbies get their feet wet in Linux.
  1. Complete, concise history of Linux.
  2. Learn BASH shell scripting in 10 Seconds.
  3. Free technical books to learn Linux.
  4. Package management for new Debian users - A concise guide.
  5. Package management for Red Hat users (a bit aged)

Hope you like these 5 useful tutorials / resources on Linux.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Is Nokia Committing Harakiri By Aligning With Microsoft ?

Nokia Cell Phones
The big news today - as far as cellular world should be concerned, is the strategic partnership between Nokia and Microsoft to produce smart phones running Windows 7. Nokia says it will adopt Windows Phone as its primary smart phone strategy. Meaning, Symbian OS is going to be relegated to history. And MeeGo project on Nokia smart phones would be in limbo.

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Monday, February 7, 2011

Debian Is No Longer Just A Linux Distribution

Debian stable version 6.0 code named "Squeeze" has been released. After 24 months of arduous testing, the Debian team has finally released v 6.0 which brings many firsts among its features. They are -
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Qt Goes To School - Free Training Course Material For Teachers

Nokia Qt Education Initiative

Nokia's Qt team has unveiled a new initiative - namely to build awareness about Qt - the library that is the building block of KDE - among students and academia.

Choosing an appropriate library for your software is a significant first step to developing your product.

And Qt is a good choice for the simple reason that it is a cross-platform application and UI framework for developing once, and deploying across Windows, Mac, Linux/X11, embedded Linux, Windows CE, Symbian and Maemo without rewriting the source code.
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Friday, January 28, 2011

KDE Version 4.6.0 Released - Integrates Support For Mobile Devices

KDE team has released version 4.6.0 of its flagship product - The KDE Desktop. This is a major release that brings lots of improvements, and which promises a far better user experience.

The notable enhancements you will find in KDE 4.6.0 are as follows -
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Sunday, January 23, 2011

HTML5 will henceforth be known as just HTML

HTML5 is the next major version of HTML and is widely considered future of the Web. In particular, HTML5 adds many new syntax features. These include <video>, <audio> and <canvas> elements as well as integration of SVG content, which are designed to improve the inclusion and handling of multimedia and graphic content on the web without recourse to proprietary plugins and their APIs [Source : Wikipedia].
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Saturday, January 22, 2011

Ubuntu Might Ship With Qt Libraries

In future iterations of Ubuntu (Natty and onwards), Ubuntu CD might ship with Qt libraries - Mark Shuttleworth noted in one of his blog post.

The basic premise behind this announcement is that it is the quality and usability of the application (to be included) that is important; the choice of toolkit should be irrelevant.
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XFCE 4.8 has been released

XFCE is a lightweight desktop environment that aims to be fast and low on system resources. Nearly after a 2 years hiatus, XFCE has released version 4.8. A number of new features have made their way into XFCE ver 4.8. Some of them being the ability to browse remote shares using a variety of protocols, a redesign of the XFCE panel thus improving positioning, transparency, item and launcher management, a new menu plugin to view directories, improved keyboard layout selection, and more.

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Thursday, January 20, 2011

First Look At GNOME 3 Prior To Its Release

GNOME 3, due for release in April 2011, is going to be revolutionary. The Desktop is designed to reduce distraction and interruption and to put the user in control. Messaging has been seamlessly integrated into the desktop. An improved file manager, redesigned work spaces, and better accessibility are some of the notable improvements.

The GNOME Project has published a new website showcasing the GNOME 3 Desktop environment.

If you are really interested in trying out GNOME 3 just now,you can do so by compiling it yourself using GNOME's JHBuild sandboxing tool.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Home Computer - Green, Palm Sized Computer For Rs 5000

elLoka Techsolutions Pvt Ltd a Hyderabad based product design and manufacturing company that delivers Ultra Low Cost Computer Platforms(ULCCP), has come up with a palm-sized computer that is very cheap and consumes very little power.

The computer is on display at the Rambagh SMS Convention center in Jaipur, Rajasthan where a three-day Commonwealth and information technology meet is on.

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Pinguy OS - An Ubuntu Based Linux Distribution on Steroids

Ubuntu has helped spawn umpteen Linux distributions. Pinguy OS is yet another Linux distribution based on Ubuntu (version 10.10 to be exact).

Pinguy OS is targeted at lay persons - people who are going to use Linux for the first time, or those who want an out-of-box working OS.
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Tuesday, January 18, 2011

1 Second Linux Boot - And It Is No Gimmick !

It is said a picture is worth a 1000 words. In this case, instead of a picture, the following video demonstrates Linux booting to a GUI in a mere 1 second.

And this is what the people who implemented this awesome feat have to say about this exercise (and I quote).
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Sunday, January 16, 2011

Cover Thumbnailer - How to install in Ubuntu Linux

Cover Thumbnailer is a small Python script which displays music/video album covers in Nautilus in place of ordinary icons of folders, preview of pictures in a folder and more.

It is similar to what you see in Microsoft Windows 7 where the folder shows a preview of the pictures contained in it.
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Friday, January 14, 2011

GNUCash 2.4.0 has been released

GNUCash - for those in the dark - is a Free accounting package which you can use to keep track of your net worth, your income, and expenses. It operates under the double entry accounting principle.

If you are not aware of double entry accounting, let me direct you to a wonderful article called "A day in the life of Dave the Dollar" which explains this concept in simple layman terms. In fact, a few years back, it was this very article which persuaded me to start using GNUCash in the first place.

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Thursday, January 13, 2011

10 Do's And Dont's For System Administrators

System Administrators have an unenviable job. They have to work odd hours ensuring the computers in your office run without a glitch. And people tend to think of System Administrators only when their machines start misbehaving. Obviously they have their work cut out for them.

CHIMIT (Computer-Human Interaction for Management of Information Technology) is a conference that focuses on computer-human interaction for IT workers. Recently they asked what would make the System Administrator's job a wee bit easier than usual.

And the following are the prominent answers they received from the ensuing brainstorming session -
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Linux Ate My RAM - Help!

Help! Linux ate my Memory. Did it indeed?
I was curious where my memory had gone because, when I fired up a terminal and typed the command -

$ free -m

I got the following output.

total       used       free     shared    buffers     cached
Mem: 882 843 38 0 86 424
-/+ buffers/cache: 332 549
Swap: 0 0 0

From a total of 882 MB, 843 MB has been used leaving only a measly 38 MB free for my use. How is that possible ?

Well, I stumbled upon an interesting website which explains in detail just this conundrum.

The website is (and you might have guessed it right!) And after reading through the website, I figured out that the whole thing is just a play of words. What you consider free is indeed free, but Linux chooses to call it 'used' because this memory is both used for something and at same time available for applications. Since your and Linux's terminology differs, you think you are low on RAM when you're not.Get it ?

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

KDE 4.5.4 for Windows Released

KDE Windows team has rolled out the latest iteration of KDE 4.5.4 for Windows.

With all the advances made, KDE developers say KDE for Windows is still not ready for stable use. However, the latest version KDE 4.5.4 compilation for Windows brings with it a number of features which would convince end users and developers to give it a try.

Patrick Spendrin the Release Manager of the KDE for Windows initiative explains why KDE could do well on the Windows platform in this lengthy interview he gave Pau Garcia i Quiles.

You can download the latest version of KDE 4.5.4 for Windows from here.