Thursday, February 17, 2011

5 Linux Tutorials For Beginners

Here are 5 useful Linux tutorials for beginners / resources which will help newbies get their feet wet in Linux.
  1. Complete, concise history of Linux.
  2. Learn BASH shell scripting in 10 Seconds.
  3. Free technical books to learn Linux.
  4. Package management for new Debian users - A concise guide.
  5. Package management for Red Hat users (a bit aged)

Hope you like these 5 useful tutorials / resources on Linux.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Is Nokia Committing Harakiri By Aligning With Microsoft ?

Nokia Cell Phones
The big news today - as far as cellular world should be concerned, is the strategic partnership between Nokia and Microsoft to produce smart phones running Windows 7. Nokia says it will adopt Windows Phone as its primary smart phone strategy. Meaning, Symbian OS is going to be relegated to history. And MeeGo project on Nokia smart phones would be in limbo.

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Monday, February 7, 2011

Debian Is No Longer Just A Linux Distribution

Debian stable version 6.0 code named "Squeeze" has been released. After 24 months of arduous testing, the Debian team has finally released v 6.0 which brings many firsts among its features. They are -
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Qt Goes To School - Free Training Course Material For Teachers

Nokia Qt Education Initiative

Nokia's Qt team has unveiled a new initiative - namely to build awareness about Qt - the library that is the building block of KDE - among students and academia.

Choosing an appropriate library for your software is a significant first step to developing your product.

And Qt is a good choice for the simple reason that it is a cross-platform application and UI framework for developing once, and deploying across Windows, Mac, Linux/X11, embedded Linux, Windows CE, Symbian and Maemo without rewriting the source code.
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